You Are Not Just SELLING CARS!

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You Are Not Just SELLING CARS!

If you want to make MONEY! - You are selling three Things!

1. Yourself

2. The Car

3. The Dealership

The moons have to line up right on all three of these points before you can sell and make money. By that I mean one has to create VALUE in all three to have the best chance at making a good commission. So, let me make an argument on what needs to happen with these for you to have the best chance at selling value and making more money.


A customer can throw a rock and probably hit one or two other dealerships selling the same brand. That means the you and the store are the only things unique about this purchase. They can buy the car anywhere, including the internet, so ask yourself what would make you a better experience then the guy down the street or the internet?

Appearance - If you’re going to ask the customer to pay you a profit look like your worth it. Do you look like a value or do you look exactly like the car salesmen the customer expects to see? You are asking this customer to trust you enough to make a big-ticket purchase that represents a 3 to 6-year financial commitment. Customers don't take this decision lightly - you have to be a pro - and therefore look like one.

A pet peeve of mine is - SUN GLASSES. Don't wear them in front of the customer! Don't look like the black jack dealer he expects to meet. Let them see your eyes... Right now, today there are salespeople all over town greeting customers in sun glasses. If you want to present yourself as a unique value, take off the sun glass and look the customer in the eye.

Dress to impress. I understand every store has different dress codes, however even if you are in a golf shirt that is no excuse not to be pressed and shined. If I want to see a wrinkled disheveled salesperson in a blue golf shirt - I'd go to Best Buy...

To think that you are going to meet 50 to 70 strangers a month and they are all going to like you - is silly. Some just aren't going to match spots with you, or you with them. My caution is watch the triggers that can force this to happen more than normal. Dress to appeal to the most number of people possible. Watch the ear rings, unkempt facial hair, bold, gaudy jewelry. I know you think it is cool, trendy and your "God Given" right, but we are after what the customer thinks. This can cost you deals and you will never know why. Customers will just make an excuse to move on or all of a sudden, they are in a hurry. It can cost you sales.

The Car

This is the magic! This is why the customer is even here giving you the chance to prove yourself a value. You want to make Money? It's SHOWTIME...

Get the attitude and energy up… this is the fun part. Remember we are not selling some intangible like annuities or life insurance. Right outside I have a sexy - metal - chromed automobile that the customer can smell, touch, feel and drive.

You are going to share the value on the car as it relates to the customer - not you or what the manufacturer thinks - what is important to the customer. You get RECIEPTS... The more the customer talks the more they are selling themselves the car. There is an old expression in sales that says, "if the salesperson says it, it's bullshit! If the customer says it - IT'S GOLD!...' No feature dumps! - GET THE CUSTOMER TALKING!

If this part of the sale doesn't fire you up and get you excited – you’re in the wrong business. However, if you like wearing blue golf shirts - there is always Best Buy...

If you have been through our training you recognize the step chart below. This is the ride all customers should go on if your selling and not order taking. Any questions hit me up in the comment section. To keep this from being too long I am going to move on.

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The Dealership

Have pride in your dealership! The dealer wants the same thing you do. World domination by being the best value in the market and YOU are the face/representative of that effort.

I have been in a lot of dealerships and each one has different personality. If I notice it the customer does also. This personality is not dictated by the building or the inventory outside. It is dictated by you - the salesforce. Remember your boats rise and sink together. Whatever the personality of your store is - it reflects onto you...

Your dealer made a large investment to support the customer all through his experience of buying and ownership. Leverage some of these points in your next value presentation.

  • The dealer has you taking a percentage of the profit off the top and you have nothing invested.
  • They have payroll running all around the store to support you and the customers experience.
  • A large investment in tools, equipment, and training, all to try and get the car fixed right the first time.
  • Your dealer sponsors high school teams, little league teams, and pays some large in-state and local taxes that support the community.
  • Then they spend hundreds of thousands a year on marketing to make the door swing.

I believe anyone can move iron for cost (especially the guy in the blue golf shirt at Best Buy). If you want to be a professional sales person that makes money, you need the customer to validate - YOU - The Car and the Dealership as a value.

Good Selling